Chris ShimoJima
As a trained classical pianist, Chris Shimojima tries to find the music in people's lives as a basis for his films.
Musicians learn to listen carefully. And Chris brings this heightened awareness to how he gets performances from actors--and nonactors--and how he plans shots to create a world with a compelling and playful rhythm and meaning. He calls this "creative verite."
Both a director and an editor, Chris graduated from NYU's Tisch School of the Arts with a BFA in Dramatic Writing and then joined R/GA in New York as an in-house editor. He is the cinematographer and editor of the webseries “Downsized,” one of YouTube’s Top 10 Made-for-the-Web shows. He has 4 x Vimeo Staff Picks. He really likes to swim. He really hates holding umbrellas in the rain. He adores chocolate covered almonds. He says thank you for checking out his work.
Check out some of Chris’ Work
Arena - When You Say You’re a Swimmer
Parkview - Changing the Story
White Plains Hospital - Exceptional Every Day
Google - Route to Ready Ad Week
Jack Casino - Invitation
Tyson - Nugget